Information for Juniors


  • Common name tea-tree
  • Recently it has become known as the honey tree because of the pharmaceutical properties of Manuka honey
  • Found throughout NZ
  • Possibly originating from Australia
  • Depending on the variety can range from 2m to 15m
  • Rosellas love the leaves and the bark
  • The sawdust from Manuka is prized for its use to smoke fish and other foods
  • Its wood is reddish brown and is a hard wood used for handles on tools
  • It is a favourite in the fire place for its heat and smell.
  • The leaves are small and prickly to touch
  • It has white and pink flowers
  • Its seed pods are hard and woody and remain on the plant for nearly a year before flowering
  • Can flower at any time of the year
  • The early settlers used Manuka leaves to make tea hence they called it the tea tree
  • Manuka was used for dealing with head colds, skin disorders, urinary complaints, cosmetics and manuka oil is growing in popularity for skin and fungal conditions and aroma therapy
  • Bees love the Manuka because the flowers bloom all year round somewhere
  • Large Manuka forests are being planted all over NZ to support the honey industry

Information for Junior Secondary


  • Common name tea-tree
  • Recently it has become known as the honey tree because of the pharmaceutical properties of Manuka honey
  • Found throughout NZ
  • Possibly originating from Australia
  • Depending on the variety can range from 2m to 15m
  • Rosellas love the leaves and the bark
  • The sawdust from Manuka is prized for its use to smoke fish and other foods
  • Its wood is reddish brown and is a hard wood used for handles on tools
  • It is a favourite in the fire place for its heat and smell.
  • The leaves are small and prickly to touch
  • It has white and pink flowers
  • Its seed pods are hard and woody and remain on the plant for nearly a year before flowering
  • Can flower at any time of the year
  • The early settlers used Manuka leaves to make tea hence they called it the tea tree
  • Manuka was used for dealing with head colds, skin disorders, urinary complaints, cosmetics and manuka oil is growing in popularity for skin and fungal conditions and aroma therapy
  • Bees love the Manuka because the flowers bloom all year round somewhere
  • Large Manuka forests are being planted all over NZ to support the honey industry

Information for Seniors


  • Common name tea-tree
  • Recently it has become known as the honey tree because of the pharmaceutical properties of Manuka honey
  • Found throughout NZ
  • Possibly originating from Australia
  • Depending on the variety can range from 2m to 15m
  • Rosellas love the leaves and the bark
  • The sawdust from Manuka is prized for its use to smoke fish and other foods
  • Its wood is reddish brown and is a hard wood used for handles on tools
  • It is a favourite in the fire place for its heat and smell.
  • The leaves are small and prickly to touch
  • It has white and pink flowers
  • Its seed pods are hard and woody and remain on the plant for nearly a year before flowering
  • Can flower at any time of the year
  • The early settlers used Manuka leaves to make tea hence they called it the tea tree
  • Manuka was used for dealing with head colds, skin disorders, urinary complaints, cosmetics and manuka oil is growing in popularity for skin and fungal conditions and aroma therapy
  • Bees love the Manuka because the flowers bloom all year round somewhere
  • Large Manuka forests are being planted all over NZ to support the honey industry


  1. Create a poster on the honeybee on a piece of paper that is divided into 4 sections
  2. Section 1: draw a diagram of the bee to clearly show that it is an insect by labelling its parts
  3. Section 2: draw the hind legs very carefully and describe how bees support pollination and how this pollination ends up as honey
  4. Section 3: describe the workings of a hive by describing each of the different types of bees that function inside the hive
  5. Section 4: list 10 most interesting facts that you have discovered about the relationship between bees and Manuka