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Wetlands / Hydrangea


  • Who can forget the ever-changing blooms of hydrangeas?
  • Blue in acidic soil,
  • Pink in that with more lime
  • White hydrangeas, with blooms resembling large snowballs that as children would often amaze us.
  • As adults, they still do, which why growing hydrangeas is so much fun.
  • They’re not only easy to grow but are also quite hardy and resistant to most pests and diseases, making it even easier to care for hydrangeas.
  • Hydrangeas are native to Asia and the Americas
  • Most are shrubs 1 to3m tall
  • Hydrangea flowers are produced from early spring to late autumn
  • they grow in flowerheads (corymbs or panicles)most often at the ends of the stems.
  • Typically, the flowerheads contain two types of flowers: small non-showy flowers in the centre or interior of the flowerhead, and large, showy flowers with large colourful sepals (tepals).
  • These showy flowers are often extended in a ring, or to the exterior of the small flowers.
  • Plants in wild populations typically have few to none of the showy flowers, while cultivated hydrangeas have been bred and selected to have more of the larger type flowers.