Trees / Kowhai
Information for Juniors
- Found throughout NZ more densely near the coast
- The word Kowhai means yellow in Maori
- Kowhai seeds are poisonous to humans
- They grow from a seed to become trees 25m
- Its leaves are small, and its juvenile branches get twisted and tangled
- Native birds like Tui, Bellbird, Kereru love the nectar in yellow flowers
- The Kowhai produces pods of yellow brown seeds
- Each pod holds 6 or more smooth black or yellow seeds
- Maori value the Kowhai tree for its hard wood and its medicinal properties
- Kowhai are semi deciduous i.e. they lose most of their leaves after flowering and you think the tree is dead but generally about December they produce new leaves
- Each Kowhai tree grows at its own speed and trees of the same age can vary greatly from each other
- The Maori used the Kowhai in construction, for a source of yellow dye and in their medicines to treat wounds.

Information for Junior Secondary
- Found throughout NZ more densely near the coast
- The word Kowhai means yellow in Maori
- Kowhai seeds are poisonous to humans
- They grow from a seed to become trees 25m
- Its leaves are small, and its juvenile branches get twisted and tangled
- Native birds like Tui, Bellbird, Kereru love the nectar in yellow flowers
- The Kowhai produces pods of yellow brown seeds
- Each pod holds 6 or more smooth black or yellow seeds
- Maori value the Kowhai tree for its hard wood and its medicinal properties
- Kowhai are semi deciduous i.e. they lose most of their leaves after flowering and you think the tree is dead but generally about December they produce new leaves
- Each Kowhai tree grows at its own speed and trees of the same age can vary greatly from each other
- The Maori used the Kowhai in construction, for a source of yellow dye and in their medicines to treat wounds

Information for Seniors
- Found throughout NZ more densely near the coast
- The word Kowhai means yellow in Maori
- Kowhai seeds are poisonous to humans
- They grow from a seed to become trees 25m
- Its leaves are small, and its juvenile branches get twisted and tangled
- Native birds like Tui, Bellbird, Kereru love the nectar in yellow flowers
- The Kowhai produces pods of yellow brown seeds
- Each pod holds 6 or more smooth black or yellow seeds
- Maori value the Kowhai tree for its hard wood and its medicinal properties
- Kowhai are semi deciduous i.e. they lose most of their leaves after flowering and you think the tree is dead but generally about December they produce new leaves
- Each Kowhai tree grows at its own speed and trees of the same age can vary greatly from each other
- The Maori used the Kowhai in construction, for a source of yellow dye and in their medicines to treat wounds.

- Can you find 5 different varieties of Kowhai?
- Can you capture a photo of a Tui or any other bird with its beak inside a Kowhai flower?
- Draw a picture of a single yellow flower