Insects / Cicada
Information for Juniors
- Cicadas have a wide head, big eyes, four wings and six small legs.
- Unlike other singing insects, such as grasshoppers and crickets, cicadas do not have large hind legs for jumping
- NZ has 42 unique species and subspecies of cicada.
- The biggest is the chorus cicada, with a wingspan as wide as your palm.
- In summer, the males sing in chorus for a mate.
Different species live all around NZ
Life cycle
- Cicadas spend most of their life underground.
- They emerge to become adults.
- You might see their empty skins on tree trunks.
- The female lays her eggs on plants such as grasses or trees.
- Cream-coloured nymphs hatch out.
- With claw-like legs they dig about 40 centimetres down into the earth.
- Underground, they shed their skins several times as they grow.
- Most species stay there for three years or more, and then burrow back up to the surface.
- Then, at night, the nymph climbs a tree or other support, and its final skin splits open.
- The adult comes out, with crumpled wings.
- In the morning it flies away.
- The adults’ mate and the females lay their eggs.
- Adults live for two to four weeks.
- Under the soil, nymphs suck sap from plant roots, using needle-like mouthparts.
- Adults also feed on sap.
- Only male cicadas sing, to court females.
- The sound is made by membranes known as tymbals on each side of their abdomen.
- Some NZ cicadas also make clapping sounds by flicking their wings against the branch.
- Both males and females have hearing membranes called tympana.
Predators and other threats include wasps, beetles, fungal parasites, birds and spiders.
Information for Junior Secondary
- Cicadas have a wide head, big eyes, four wings and six small legs.
- Unlike other singing insects, such as grasshoppers and crickets, cicadas do not have large hind legs for jumping
- NZ has 42 unique species and subspecies of cicada.
- The biggest is the chorus cicada, with a wingspan as wide as your palm.
- In summer, the males sing in chorus for a mate.
Different species live all around NZ.
Life cycle
- Cicadas spend most of their life underground.
- They emerge to become adults.
- You might see their empty skins on tree trunks.
- The female lays her eggs on plants such as grasses or trees.
- Cream-coloured nymphs hatch out.
- With claw-like legs they dig about 40 centimetres down into the earth.
- Underground, they shed their skins several times as they grow.
- Most species stay there for three years or more, and then burrow back up to the surface.
- Then, at night, the nymph climbs a tree or other support, and its final skin splits open.
- The adult comes out, with crumpled wings.
- In the morning it flies away.
- The adults’ mate and the females lay their eggs.
- Adults live for two to four weeks.
- Under the soil, nymphs suck sap from plant roots, using needle-like mouthparts.
- Adults also feed on sap.
- Only male cicadas sing, to court females.
- The sound is made by membranes known as tymbals on each side of their abdomen.
- Some NZ cicadas also make clapping sounds by flicking their wings against the branch.
- Both males and females have hearing membranes called tympana.
Predators and other threats include wasps, beetles, fungal parasites, birds and spiders.
Information for Seniors
- Cicadas have a wide head, big eyes, four wings and six small legs.
- Unlike other singing insects, such as grasshoppers and crickets, cicadas do not have large hind legs for jumping.
- Cicadas live all around NZ, from forests and grassland, to swamps, sand dunes and riverbeds.
- The chorus cicada also lives in cities, perching on fence posts and buildings.
- The small, black Maori cicada species are the only cicadas known to live high up in the mountains.
Life cycle
- Cicadas spend most of their life underground, and emerge to become adults.
- You might see their empty skins on tree trunks.
- The female lays her eggs on plants such as grasses or trees.
- Cream-coloured nymphs hatch out. With claw-like legs they dig about 40 centimetres down into the earth.
- Underground, they shed their skins several times as they grow.
- Most species stay there for three years or more, and then burrow back up to the surface.
- Then, at night, the nymph climbs a tree or other support, and its final skin splits open.
- The adult comes out, with crumpled wings. In the morning it flies away.
- The adults’ mate, and the females lay their eggs.
- Adults live for two to four weeks.
- Under the soil, nymphs suck sap from plant roots, using needle-like mouthparts.
- Adults also feed on sap.
- Only male cicadas sing, to court females.
- The sound is made by membranes known as tymbals on each side of their abdomen.
- The tymbal is pushed out, causing a burst of sound. Then it pops back in.
- By rapidly repeating this, the cicada makes its song.
- Some NZ cicadas also make clapping sounds by flicking their wings against the branch on which they are sitting.
- Both males and females have hearing membranes called tympana. Through these they hear the sound of the males.
- Predators and other threats include wasps, beetles, fungal parasites, birds and spiders.