Birds / Hawk / Raptor
Hawk or Raptor
Ninox novaeseelandiae
Māori name ‘ruru’
- In NZ birds of prey or raptors are those that hunt live animals
- These include swamp harrier, falcon, barn owl and morepork
- They feed on live insects, rats, chicks, mice, road kill, dead lambs, birds and lizards etc
- They hunt by dropping from a hight onto unsuspecting prey
- Their long legs are outstretched with sharp claws ready to snatch their prey
- They nest in grasslands or on platforms made of grass on the top of trees
- Mating begins with ‘sky dancing’ in July/August
- You will notice pairs rising on the thermals high in the sky and then dropping like a stone and rising again
- The female lays 5 to 6 whitish eggs and does all the incubation
- The male hunts food and drops the prey close to her so she can fly and catch it falling
- The chicks are dark brown hatching in January/February
- They don’t spend long with their parents and their inexperience gets the killed